<aside> ⛔ This only applies to Non-Shopify checkouts. Any merchants using Shopify’s checkout have these events handled automatically by Elevar.


Checkout Funnel Events

What you’ll need to implement and push into the data layer at the correct times are the following events. Keep in mind that these events can fire multiple times if a user abandons the checkout funnel and returns to resume their checkout journey.

  1. Begin Checkout: The dl_begin_checkout event will need to be sent when a user begins the checkout funnel.
  2. Add Shipping Info: The dl_add_shipping_info event will need to be sent when a user chooses their shipping method.
  3. Add Payment Info: The dl_add_payment_info event will need to be sent when a user completes adding their payment info.
  4. Purchase: The dl_purchase event will need to be sent when a user completes their purchase.

Base Event

Checkout Steps

Purchase Event

Event Examples
